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Cartwright Law Video Links

Check back periodically as material will be added

What's a Lawyer Dog?

Learn what is a "lawyer dog" in this second part of a two-part series in Mr. Cartwright's "Coffee with CartLaw Alabama."

What does R & B singer R. Kelly have in common with Mob Bosses?

Mr. Cartwright goes outside his areas of practice in the first of this two-part series on criminal law. Learn what R. Kelly has in common with the leader of the Hell's Angels.

Working yourself to death...and afterward?

Some of us work very hard, and we often say we're working ourselves to death. But can we be restricted from competing even after our death? Mr. Cartwright takes a slightly tongue-in-cheek look at a recent Alabama Supreme Court decision involving Covenants not to Compete.

Representing your out-of-state company in Alabama Courts

A Case Study: If your out-of-state company is sued in an Alabama court, do not despair. Watch this video as Darrell Cartwright discusses a recent case he handled in just such a scenario, with a great result for his client.

The Tax Man Cometh

Are You and Your Business Ready? Be prepared when the IRS or State Revenue Department contacts you. No need to panic. Here's how to be prepared and what to expect.

Boo: Happy Halloween - Let's Talk In Terrorem Clauses

Have you considered this provision for your Last Will and Testament? Mr. Cartwright describes a sometimes used provision in a Last Will and Testament designed to discourage beneficiaries from challenging a Will by forfeiting their devise if they challenge the Will.

Top 4 Reasons *Not* to Have a Will

A Parody: I hope you enjoy this short humorous video as much as I enjoyed making it. Obviously, it is tongue-in-cheek. Enjoy!

Estate Planning in the COVID-19 World

This is a recorded video of a live webinar conducted by Darrell Cartwright on April 9, 2020. What estate planning tools do you need in today's world? How can you execute them remotely under Governor Ivey's Emergency Proclamation? All of this, and more, was discussed by Darrell Cartwright and clients in his live webinar on April 9, 2020, recorded here.

Ph: (205) 222-5900

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2700 Corporate Dr. Suite 200
Birmingham, Alabama 35242

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